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How to choose a massage chair and on what you should pay attention when buying?
23 Дек 2022

How to choose a massage chair and on what you should pay attention when buying?

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A massage chair is a kind of luxury item that is gradually appearing in homes along with air conditioning, smart kettle and vacuum cleaner, as well as dock stations. It is a help for those who move a lot and want to relax after running in front of the TV screen or with the phone in their hands.

This demand, which came out of nowhere, gave birth to a lot of offers. On the market, you can meet manufacturers that differ not only in function, but also in price issue. How to choose a massage chair for your home and get improved comfort for your money? The answer to this question lies in the algorithm of choice:

Step 1. What are the expectations of a massage chair?

Previously, "massage" chair meant a seating area that had padded upholstery. In the modern sense it is worth adding the presence of functional technological additions, such as an automated massage system. By the way, different models imply the use of different programs, thereby deciding how to choose a massage chair.

The most common are:

  • Kneading. Common, consists in simulating the massage of the back with two hands. Another name is "shiatsu".
  • Percussion. A technique that consists of "tapping" the back, shoulders and arms. Helps to relax after exercise.
  • Rolling. Can be found in shopping malls - a massage chair is equipped with special rollers that "roll" on the back.
  • Compressing. One of the distinctive features - the massage is performed with all parts of the body, including the legs and head.
  • Stretching. An innovative technology that combines moving the chair to a horizontal position in order to affect all the muscles.

Therefore, it is necessary to get acquainted with all the programs offered by the manufacturer, before making a purchase. After realizing what goals are pursued when using this piece of decor, you can understand how to choose a massage chair, the price of which will not greatly hit the wallet.

Step 2: Selecting the manufacturer.

When selecting a massage chair it is not recommended to save money by resorting to amateur copies of famous manufacturers. They may differ in the lack of warranty due to which the repair will be expensive), or a number of programs due to funding constraints in production.

Well-known manufacturers are OTO, Panasonic, UNO and iRest. In addition to the fact that they have been on the market for a long time, you can find laudatory reviews, as well as an extended range in all financial sectors.

Which massage chair to choose for the home decides, of course, the buyer. However, the recognized heroes of the production are Japanese brands. It is recommended to look closely at the Chinese, German and Italian manufacturers.

Step 3: Choosing the main features of the chair

Due to the availability of an extended range, you can unwittingly get confused in this variety, forgetting that this piece of decor is selected according to the characteristics of the new owner.

There is a list of measurements to take in order to understand which massage chair to choose:

  1. Height.
  2. This is important because there are "standardized" models, adjustable height and compact. When planning a massage chair manufacturers try to start from the parameters 1.65-1.85 m.

  3. Weight.
  4. There is no minimum weight when using a massage chair, but the maximum is 120 kg. This is a mandatory characteristic establishes not only the effectiveness of the use of relaxing technology, but also the strength of the design.

  5. Total volume
  6. Since people have their own distribution of muscle and fat mass, it is necessary to be guided by the feeling directly in the chair. It is important that the armrests do not squeeze the pelvis or legs, and that the sitting position is comfortable.

  7. Length of legs to torso length ratio.
  8. This is the point which determines the comfort of using the massage chair. It is recommended to pay attention to this characteristic when choosing, and to make preliminary tests in the physical branch of the store.

If there are still questions like "Massage chairs, which is the best to choose?", it is better to contact a consultant on the hotline, or in the branch. They will not only demonstrate the models, allowing you to assess the size in relation to the available space of the apartment, but also help you decide on the choice.

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